Ruth and Brian Garmaker

Ruth and Brian Garmaker waited a long time to meet their son.
Brian Garmaker Jr. was the first baby of 2025 born at NH+C’s Birth Center.
“We waited for him for so long,” says Ruth, who experienced pregnancy losses before Brian Jr. was born. “He’s a miracle. He completes our family.”
Brian Jr. has three older brothers at home, from Ruth’s previous marriage. And Brian Sr. is a first-time dad. “He’ll be learning a whole new world now, with his first experience as a dad,” Ruth smiles.
Ruth was scheduled for a caesarean section. Ruth speaks Spanish; NH+C interpreter Sharisse Vargas joined Ruth’s medical team in the operating room. “I didn’t know if I’d be in the delivery room or not,” Brian says. “Then Sharisse handed me a bunny suit – surgical coveralls – and I knew I’d be there.”
When Brian walked in and saw the full surgical team, “this peace came over me. I knew we were in good hands.”
The birth “went beautifully,” Brian says. “Ruth was awake, and there was a lot of communication as they delivered the baby. All I kept thinking was, ‘Let me hear him cry.’ I wanted to know he was okay. Then suddenly, there he was, crying and stretching. I was just so happy.”
Brian laid the baby on Ruth’s shoulder as the team completed her surgery. “She was kissing the baby and smiling. It was a heavenly experience.”
“We had come to the point to not try for a baby anymore because of the losses we had,” Ruth recalls. “Brian was happy being the father to my previous three children. Then I got pregnant with this baby, and I prayed to keep this pregnancy.” There were a few complications, but the baby was healthy: “I followed all the treatment they gave me so my baby would be fine.”
He was.
Ruth chose NH+C for her prenatal care – and all their family’s care. “I love it here. They’ve always attended to me very well, and they offer interpreters,” Ruth says. “I appreciate the extra attention I’ve gotten here. I thank everyone at the hospital and clinic for the help they have given us, for all the care, kindness and love.”
“Receiving help was important,” Brian adds. “We were faced with so many reasons why it wouldn’t work, but we just kept going. We got the help we needed.”
And now Brian Jr. is here.
Ruth says: “I do believe miracles exist.”