Northfield Hospital Foundation

Committed to the Communities We Serve

We are committed to providing necessary, high-quality care to everyone who relies on our hospital and clinics.

Northfield Hospital Foundation
2000 North Avenue
Northfield, MN 55057
Phone: 507-646-1036

Your Kindness Ensures a Healthier Future For All - Northfield Hospital Foundation

caregiver and elderly woman holding hands

Through your caring and generosity, you help support the power of the healing touch and the gift of hope.

Your gift enhances care in large and small ways, from the comfort of therapeutic blankets for patients to the purchase of high-tech equipment. It helps take care of patients, staff and the community and ensures exceptional healthcare for generations to come.

While healthcare is mostly funded through insurance and other sources, some needs are not covered. Your gift to the Foundation can help pay for patient care items, services, and equipment that enhance care.

The Foundation helps Northfield Hospital to exceed the normal boundaries of care for those touched by emergencies, illness, childbirth, and end of life. For those who have been touched by Northfield Hospital’s exceptional care, it creates a path to say thank you in a way that allows other patients to experience this care.

Planned Giving: 

Leave a Lasting Legacy

Make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of our community through planned giving. By including the Northfield Hospital Foundation in your will, trust, or estate plan, you ensure that future generations receive compassionate care and essential medical services. Planned gifts, such as bequests, charitable trusts, and beneficiary designations, provide a meaningful way to support the hospital’s mission while aligning with your financial and philanthropic goals. To learn more about how you can leave a legacy of care, call 507-646-1036.  

       Corporate Giving: 

       Partnering for a Healthier Community

Businesses play a vital role in strengthening healthcare for our community. By partnering with the Northfield Hospital Foundation through corporate giving, your company can help expand critical services, support patient care, and invest in the future of local healthcare. Whether through direct contributions or matching gifts, your support makes a meaningful difference. Join us in building a healthier tomorrow – partner with us today. Call 507-646-1036 for more information. 

How Gifts Are Used

While healthcare is mostly funded through insurance and other sources, some needs are not covered. You can help by donating to pay for services and equipment that enhance the care NH+C provides. Your tax-deductible gift will advance our work in the areas of greatest need. Your heartfelt gift provides:

The little things that make the difference

  • Clothing and slippers for those who can’t afford them
  • Emergency fund for transportation, food, clothing
  • Weighted blankets to help soothe and provide comfort
  • iPads to keep families connected
  • Patient support funds and comfort items

The things that improve patient care

  • New technology and medical equipment
  • Development of innovative programs to benefit patient care
  • Specialized staff training
  • New building projects

Foundation gifts are not used for routine business operations of Northfield Hospital + Clinics.

Woman hugging woman in wheel chair

Northfield Hospital Celebrates Proud Past, Hopeful Future

Since 1910, Northfield Hospital has been caring for our community.

We’re proud of our past, a tradition of exceptional care. We’re optimistic for the future too, as we grow across the region, add and expand services, and care for an ever-increasing number of patients across the communities we serve.

Thank you for trusting us with your care.

Learn more about our history

Types of Donations Accepted

We are grateful for all donations.

  • Gifts of cash
  • Gifts of stock or other investments
  • Gifts of real estate

We will work with individuals and/or their attorneys or estate planners to accept gifts in a manner that meets your needs as a donor.

Types of Funds

  • General Fund – donations are applied to areas of greatest need across the organization. It allows us to meet the needs of our patients no matter what area they are getting care in. It allows us to be prepared for emerging needs and gives us the flexibility to take advantage of opportunities. 
  • Cancer Care Fund – helps patients and families who are coping with cancer.

About Northfield Hospital Foundation

Northfield Hospital Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) with a tax id # of 82-3389632.

Family sitting on couch

Donors Say "Thank You"

Patients and their loved ones express their gratitude to Northfield Hospital through the Foundation:

“Northfield Hospital has been my family’s go-to for all our healthcare. I wanted to give something back as a thanks for all the years of service.  I gave to the general fund because it supports every area of Northfield Hospital. The staff knows where it is most needed.”

“Hospice came into our lives at just the right time. Our mother was dying, and they provided comfort, reassurance, and everything we needed to make her remaining time the best. I want every family facing the end of life to have what they need so they can focus on their loved one.”

“The cancer was brutal. There was a lot of comfort to know that we could stay here in our own town and get the care that we needed. We were prosperous and insured. Maybe not everybody is as lucky. Perhaps our donations can help somebody who needs help. If the nurses need to get a new toothbrush for someone, they can. They know what is most needed.” 

Keep an Independent Hospital in Your Community

Since 1910, Northfield Hospital has been providing care from birth to end of life, serving communities in the south metro and southern Minnesota. We are an independent, non-profit health care organization, committed to providing high-quality care to everyone who relies on our hospital and clinics.

Like other healthcare organizations across the nation, NH+C faces significant challenges, and, although we are owned by the city of Northfield, we are self-funded. We do not get any money from taxes or the city.

As an independent organization, NH+C counts on the Foundation to enhance the personalized care we provide, and to position NH+C to deliver exceptional healthcare for generations. When you contribute, you strengthen your community and improve health care for you, your friends and neighbors. We are grateful for your generosity. Together, we touch the human spirit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the hospital get money from city of Northfield or from city taxes?

We often get asked why we need money if we are city owned and get tax dollars. The truth is we don't get any money from the city of Northfield or any money from taxes. We are city owned, but not city funded. We are funded exclusively through our own operations.

How can I donate?

  1. You can give online now by credit or debit card or bank account through NH+C's secure online giving website.
  2. You can donate by paper check. Please include your name, address and phone number so we can send you a tax receipt and acknowledgement that it was received. If your donation is in honor or memory of someone, please include that person's name. Please make your check to Northfield Hospital Foundation and mail to: Northfield Hospital Foundation, 2000 North Avenue, Northfield, MN 55057
  3. For other types of donations, please call 507-646-1036 or email sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail).

We appreciate the generosity of our donors who help us to deliver a healthier future for all.



Can my employer make a matching gift?

Many employers have matching gift programs through which your generosity to Northfield Hospital Foundation can be multiplied. As a nonprofit organization, Northfield Hospital Foundation is eligible to receive matching gifts. If you wish to make a matching gift, please check with your organization to find out the requirments, and then call 507-646-1036 or email sends e- Please be sure to notify us of an incoming gift so we can make sure it is received. 

What kinds of donations are accepted?

We are grateful for all donations! We will work with individuals and/or their attorneys or estate planners to accept gifts in a manner that meets the needs of the donor.

  • Gifts of cash (most flexible)
  • Gifts of stock or other investments
  • Gifts of real estate

What won’t we take?

  • Medical equipment/supplies
  • Furniture
  • Art
  • Collectibles (ie, coins, books)

Who can I call with questions about my donation?

Please call 507-646-1036 or email sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail) with any questions you have. We will be happy to answer them. 

How are gifts used?

Your gift will advance our mission in the areas of greatest need. Foundation gifts are used to grow and enhance the capabilities of Northfield Hospital, such as:

  • Purchase new technology
  • Staff training
  • Buying special medical equipment
  • New building projects

How do I make my gift in honor or memory of someone?

Any gift can be made in memory or in honor of a special person. When making your gift, please indicate the name of the person you wish to honor. If you wish to have a card sent to the someone to let them know of your donation, please provide a mailing address in the Special Instructions box on the online donation form, or if mailing your contribution, in a short note or in the memo portion of a check addressed to Northfield Hospital Foundation. You can also call 507-646-1036 with this information.

How can I honor an NH+C employee?

Have you been touched by the care provided by NH+C employee? Maybe it was a kind word, a gentle smile, a warm blanket, or someone who listened to you during an anxious time. If someone on our team provided you or a loved one with that ‘extra touch’ and you would like to acknowledge them, you can honor that person by making a donation in his or her name.

A personal ‘thank you’ from a patient is more precious to nurses, doctors, housekeepers and other caregivers than any other honor. When you make a donation in honor of a NH+C team member, he or she will receive a card informing him or her of your thoughtful gift along with your personal note.

Please make note of the employee’s name and any other comments you wish to make, in the Special Instructions box or if mailing your contribution, in a short note or in the memo portion of a check addressed to Northfield Hospital Foundation.

Can I include Northfield Hospital in my long-term estate or financial plans?

Northfield Hospital Foundation welcomes gifts through your long-term estate or financial plans. Please contact us at 507-646-1416 or email sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail). We will work with individuals and/or their attorneys or estate planners to accept gifts in a manner that meets your needs.

Can I include information on memorial gifts to Northfield Hospital Foundation in an obituary?

Yes. We can help you include memorial gift information in obituaries. Sample sentences include:

The family requests that memorial gifts be designated for the Northfield Hospital Foundation. Memorials can be made online at or mailed to Northfield Hospital Foundation, 2000 North Avenue, Northfield, MN 55057.

Is my gift tax-deductible?

Northfield Hospital Foundation is a non-profit and contributions are tax-deductible. If you donate online, you will receive an email with your donation information attached. If you donate by mail, you will receive a receipt in the mail. You will also receive a year-end tax receipt for all of your donations during the year. Northfield Hospital Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) with a tax id # of 82-3389632.

Are Foundation funds used for every day expenses?

Your tax-deductible gift goes to the work of Northfield Hospital Foundation. Foundation gifts are not used for routine business operations of Northfield Hospital + Clinics.

What will appear on my credit card or bank statement?

You may see Northfield Hospital Foundation, Bloomerang, Stripe Kindful. Bloomerang/Stripe/Kindful is the company we use to manage the Foundation. 

Who is Bloomerang, Stripe or Kindful?

Bloomerang/Stripe/Kindful is the company we use to manage the Foundation. You may see this name on your credit card or bank statement.

I am an NH+C employee. How can I change or stop my payroll deduction?

To change or stop your payroll deduction, please email Bev Chard at sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail) or call x 1014.

What areas can I donate to?

You can donate to the following funds:

  • General Fund – donations are applied to areas of greatest need. The general fund allows us to be prepared for emerging needs and gives us the flexibility to take advantage of opportunities. 
  • Cancer Care Fund – helps patients and families who are coping with cancer.

What is Northfield Hospital Foundation's tax id #?

Northfield Hospital Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) with a tax id # of 82-3389632.