Northfield Hospital Auxiliary

The Northfield Hospital Auxiliary is a dynamic, service organization with a rich tradition of successful projects that support Northfield Hospital + Clinics and community wellness and healthcare.  Our commitment is to fundraising, community education about the programs and services of Northfield Hospital, and volunteering in support of those services.

Founded in 1951, the Auxiliary has raised and contributed nearly a million dollars in support of programs  and services at Northfield Hospital and related community projects.

Three newsletters mailed to members and three general membership meetings each year help keep us informed about all aspects of the hospital and its clinics. 

Making a Difference

Here are some of the  contributions  made by  the Auxiliary:

  • $1,000 scholarships for education in health-related  fields, from high school graduates to PhD students.  Forms available the first of February thru end of March and scholarships are awarded each May.
  • Phototherapy unit for the Birth Center
  • Non-invasive bladder scanner
  • Dual chamber infusion pumps
  • Community notification phone system
  • Mammography unit
  • Major contributions to community  organizations, including Meals-On-Wheels, Senior Wellness Center, Spring  Creek Accessible Playground, The Key,  Northfield  Youth Sports Collaborative,  HealthFinders and Thursday’s Table.
  • Early literacy, a book for each newborn  since 1999
  • In support of an effort to eliminate SIDS, each newborn receives a SleepSack
  • A guest WiFi System for the hospital  
  • $20,000 for a walking/biking path from North Avenue to the hospital parking lot
  • $100,000 for the  Breast Care  Center
  • $150,000 for the Cancer Care &  Infusion Services
  • $60,000 for the Long Term Care Center customized van
  • $43,000 SimMan for training
  • $30,000 Emergency Department Carts
  • $26,500 EMS Lucas CPR System

Northfield Hospital Auxiliary Board Members

Joan Pralle and Sue Garvey, Co-Presidents
Michelle Pautzke, Treasurer
Rita Olson, Secretary
Mary Schwake, Historian

Join today

Download this brochure and return to:
Northfield Hospital Auxiliary
2000 North Avenue
Northfield, Minnesota, 55057

Questions: call 507-646-1041

Auxiliary Scholarship Application Information

Application forms for the Northfield Hospital Auxiliary’s annual scholarship program will be available February of each year at the hospital’s front desk, all local clinics and the high school guidance office.   The auxiliary awards up to 10 $1,000 scholarships each year to applicants who are pursuing training in a health-related field from a technical school, college or university.

Auxiliary Book Fair

  • Book Fair: 2025
  • Donation dates: April 8-18, 2025 - April  at the Northfield Ice Arena
  • Sale dates: April 22-26, 2025 at the Northfield Ice Arena
  • Book Fair Coordinator:  Mark Heiman -
  • For storage questions: contact Georgene Johnson: 507-663-1933 or email:

Visit our FaceBook page for details, volunteers, times, etc.  Facebook page

See our website:

This Northfield tradition got its humble start in 1961 on the back porch of an Auxiliary member’s home. (At the time, members thought they might collect enough books to do the sale once.) Now, it fills the Northfield Ice Arena with more than 65,000 books, DVDs, CDs and vinyl. The Book Fair has raised over one million dollars to support Hospital projects and scholarships.

See the time lapse of 2014’s Book Raid.  Click here.