Sara is a neonatal nurse practitioner who cares for newborns in the Birth Center, and also sees children of all ages at the Northfield Clinic. How did she get so good at multi-tasking? Think roller skates and dinner plates.
First job? I was a car hop at an A&W, serving meals on roller skates. We brought the trays out and hung them on the window of your car. I learned multi-tasking and customer service in that job, and how to work hard.
Free time? I like to be outside; I enjoy running and other physical activities. We have a puppy, so he keeps me busy.
Best part of my work? There are so many parts that I love. I love babies – who doesn’t? But it’s really about the families, especially the moms – developing relationships with them and encouraging them to be the best parent they can be. Helping new moms develop confidence is a key part of that.
Best advice? “Be the best version of yourself that you can be each day.” My mom said that to me years ago.
Why healthcare? It’s a great mix of being with people, and also the sciency-nerdy stuff that goes along with medicine, especially pediatrics.
If not healthcare, who would you be doing? I’d be a landscaper . . . something with dirt and a shovel, working outside.