Dr. Randolph Reister is a baseball fan. And a strong advocate for his patients: “I believe the needs of the patient are the only needs to be considered.”
First job? I mowed lawns in the little town where I grew up. I mowed about 20 people’s lawns and played baseball, and that was my summer.
Free time? I like to run, and play with my kids, and I’m a huge baseball fan. I used to be a player, but now I just watch.
Best part of your work? Seeing people get better.
Best advice you ever got? Never psych yourself out. Always believe in yourself. A teammate gave me that advice.
Why healthcare? I had an asthma attack after football practice when I was a sophomore in high school, and I was in the hospital for five days. I saw this whole world of tests and treatments, and I saw people getting better. It was a whole different culture, and I fell in love with it.
If not healthcare, what would you be doing? I would probably be a biologist studying ecology, nature and the outdoors.
Dr. Reister sees patients in the Northfield Clinic. Schedule: 507-646-1494