How to identify a deer tick
Deer ticks are very tiny. An adult deer tick is about the size of a sesame seed. Look for a reddish-brown body and a black shield on its back.
How to avoid ticks
- Avoid wooded and brushy areas.
- Wear long sleeves and pants when in wooded, brushy, or tall grass areas. Wear light-colored clothes so it is easier to see them. Tuck your pants into your socks or boots and tuck your shirt into your pants.
- Use insect repellent with 20% or higher concentration of DEET and permethrin to you clothes if in an area known for deer ticks.
- Stay on the trail.
- Check yourself, children, and pets for ticks, especially after being in potential tick areas.
- Shower and wash with a washcloth after entering potential tick areas.
- Ask your vet about the best way to protect your pet.
Tick Proof Your Yard
Mow lawns and trails frequently. Remove leaves and brush piles and stack wood in sunny dry places to discourage tick carrying rodents.
If you suspect you’ve been bitten by a deer tick, see your health care provider immediately. Call your clinic today to make an appointment.