JANUARY 6, 2022 – The CDC has added 12- to 15-year-olds to its recommendation for COVID-19 booster shots.
CDC now recommends that youth ages 12-17 get a booster shot 5 months after their initial Pfizer vaccination series. Pfizer is the only vaccine that's been approved for booster shots for youth ages 12-17. Read CDC's latest recommendations.
NH+C is only scheduling boosters for people 16 and older at this time. NH+C will follow CDC and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) guidance to provide booster shots for younger teens, based on our capacity.
Why another dose? Because each dose of vaccine prompts your body to practice how to fight the virus if it gets exposed to it.
It’s important to get unvaccinated people protected against COVID-19. Vaccination is FREE. Schedule your appointment: 507-646-8019
Vaccine is widely available in the community, including pharmacies . . . convenient, with no appointment at many locations. Find yours at the state of Minnesota's Vaccine Connector.