So, how do health professionals stay well when they’re exposed to germs all day? And what’s their advice for you?
“I wash my hands . . . all the time!” – Becky, RN
Scrub for at least 20 seconds using soap and water; if you need a timer, hum “Happy Birthday” to yourself twice. Visit the CDC for more info on how handwashing saves lives.
“ I use sanitizer wipes everywhere! Especially to wipe down my phone, computer and mouse.” – Bev, IT specialist
“We wipe down the entire front and back inside the ambulance at the beginning and end of each shift.” – Amber, paramedic
Wherever you work: Wipe down your work station, phone and equipment frequently with sanitizer.
“I take my own pen everywhere, and avoid communal pens at stores, banks, and the doctor’s office.” – Sarah, Wellness Education
In public, open doors with your elbow, or cover your hand with your sleeve before grabbing the doorknob.
“It helps me when patients wear masks if they have a cold or cough.” -- Tammy, Patient Services Representative
Wear a mask at the doctor’s office even if you are healthy . . . especially if you are pregnant.
“Eat a nutritional diet. Get enough sleep. Cough into your sleeve. If you’re sick, stay home.” – Sara Hernberg, MD
“Keep kids home if they’re sick, so they don’t expose other kids.” – Sara Gergen, CPNP-PC, NNP-BC
And grownups: You should stay home too when you’re sick. No one wants your germs, either.
“I think I just have a good immune system because I’m exposed to germs all the time.” – Linda, RN
Seriously, though: Get lots of Vitamin C and drink lots of fluids.
“Practice good self-care. Get adequate sleep, eat a healthy diet, and get your flu shot.” – April Fitzloff, PA-C
Flu shots are available at our clinics. Call for your appointment.