Fetal Movement-Kick Counts
Why are kick counts important?
Tracking fetal movement is a great way for expectant parents to monitor their baby’s health. Frequent baby movement is an excellent indicator of fetal well-being. There has been research done to show a 30% reduction in stillbirths by teaching pregnant women how to monitor fetal movement during the third trimester of pregnancy.
What are kick counts?
- A kick count is fetal movement that includes flutters, jabs, kicks, turns, twists, swishes, and rolls.
- Fetal hiccups are not considered fetal movement.
How do I perform kick counts?
- Start doing kick counts at 28 weeks gestation
- Do kick counts at the same time every day if possible
- You will need to allot 2 hours of time for this
- Babies are most active after meals, activity, and in the evening
- Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down
- Write down the time of the baby’s first kick (movement)
- Count until you feel 10 movements. Most babies will take less than 30 minutes
- American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists (ACOG) states that a healthy baby should have 10 movements in less than 2 hours
- Babies do have sleep cycles that can last up to an hour. If you do not feel ten movements in the first hour, drink a large glass of water and walk around for five minutes. Sit/lay back down and continue counting
- Towards the end of your pregnancy (after 36 weeks) you may notice less “violent” kicks and more stretching or rolling movements. This is normal
- Contact your provider or The Birth Center if you do not get 10 movements in 2 hours, or if you notice any significant change in movement over each day